The Rogers BlackBerry Curve 8900 made its way into our office this afternoon and I’ve put together some first impressions and pics for you. The first thing that struck me about the device was the amazing form factor. The device fits so nicely in the palm of your hand and it’s very lightweight. As someone who loved the original Curve, this device seemed like the perfect upgrade. The new OS makes it look especially sweet.
The device was a little choppy at first. While scrolling through menu options, it would drag a little but that started to work itself out. I got the impression that when you first power up the device, it has some thinking to do and that was causing the delays. After a few minutes, things were scrolling around just fine. Other than that, this device was everything I expected it to be. It’s going to be a hit with anyone who likes the awesome power of the BlackBerry, in an easy to manage, slick Curve style. Nice going RIM! Enjoy the pics.
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